Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015 -- Month #7 - Week #35 - Day #241 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

Planeamiento Semanal, did some visits, Coordinacion Misional got canceled on us, so we did some more visits, and went and played for choir practice. I think we're gonna have this be a permanent thing (at least for another 6 weeks if I don't go this change on the 28th of this month) with practice on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It also rained again all day long.
And we had hamburgers for dinner! Granted they're not the same as American burgers or the ones we always made at home, but they were reasonably close and tasted pretty good.

We were also informed that the lady that gave us dinner on Fridays isn't able to anymore, so that's interesting news. We'll just eat at home, and it gives us some more time to go teach, so we're not upset or anything.

But, Hna Escobar and I made cookies! Whoohoo! Partly because we felt like making something yummy to offset so much rain, and have something to share with the elderes. So we were pretty happy tonight. They're no-bake cookies (we don't have an oven, just a 2 burner stove), as they hardened up in the fridge, but they're a very welcome burst of chocolate and peanut butter and sugar. So that was really fun.

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