Friday, October 16, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015 -- Month #7 - Week #34 - Day #236 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

Sooo we didn't follow any of our previous plans, basically, so that was fun. We were also supposed to have a member accompany us, but that didn't work out, either. At least it didn't rain too much on us this afternoon, or it would have been a total chick-flick movie day. Had some lessons, met some more people who were not interested in anything, and hiked around all over creation.

This morning as we were getting ready for this blessed day, Hna Escobar taught me how to curl my eyelashes with a shppoon (I know I spelled that wrong, but it made me laugh, so I'll keep it in as it is, the correct spelling is indeed "spoon") so that was fun to try out. It's the same principle as when you curl ribbon with scissors. You hold the edge of a metal spoon against the base of your eyelashes on the upper side of the upper eyelid, with the pad of your thumb on the underside. Grasp the eyelashes between the spoon and thumb, and slide the spoon along the eyelash while keeping contact with your thumb. Results in a more rounded curl than with an eyelash curler, and seems to last longer as well, so that was really cool to learn!
I also gave Hna Escobar a haircut, or rather trimmed up her ends as they were all dry and she didn't like them. So that was another first, and I'm proud to say that it turned out quite well. After spending years watching your hair being cut, you tend to pick up on at least the basics of trimming. So once you get in the groove it actually goes along very smoothly. Part, cut, trim, layer, part, cut, trim, layer...

And I saw my car! Well, it was a car of the same make and model as mine, but a dark steel color, not my light silver, and obviously the plates are different and there is no reason why my car would be in Honduras. But that made me really excited to see something so similar from home. I miss driving on real roads.

We are also in the time of oranges, so we ate a lot of oranges today! They're really good, much better than they ones we have back home. Super juicy, and sweet even though the peels are mostly green.

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