Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 -- Month #6 - Week #27 - Day #183 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

Happy 6 months to me! Pretty crazy, but yes, in a year I'll be home again. Weird.
Today we had our Multi-zone Conference, so I really enjoyed that. We got to travel by bus about 1.5 hrs there, and another 1.5 hrs back, and 6 hrs of conferencing, but it was great. We all met up in Merendon, which with Chamelecon, are the most dangerous areas of the mission. So we made sure to stick together with the elderes, and we were fine.
Hna Dester had to leave in the beginning of the meeting after her talk, and didn't come back as she had to do some hospitaling trips as Hna Robles was busy as well. So I missed talking to her again, but Pres sat with our group for lunch, so that was nice. The Dester's are seriously awesome people.

Hey, good news! We somehow found a bottle of Pyrethrum (which is illegal in Honduras) so now we have access to that! Yay!  [Pyrethrumis a contact insecticide made from a formulation of the natural occurring botanical pesticide pyrethrum. It is a powerful organic pesticide and works extremely well to kill insects rapidly at very low concentrations].  We're all pretty much thrilled to have some serious insect repellent. So we'll be treating our clothes and curtains and sheets and everything over the next few days. We still gotta use the normal insect repellent, but hopefully the Pyrethrum will help lower the amount of mosquito bites and Chikungunya. That would be fantastic.

And I saw stars for the first time in forever, so I was thrilled. I love looking at the stars, I feel like I saw them more back home than I do here. Probably because it gets cloudy at night because it rains. Always makes me think of when we were in the CCM, and Hna Brady and Kleinman and I would sing the "Stars" song from Les Miserable's so terribly and burst out laughing. "Stahz! Inyumultituuuuuude!"  Good times.

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