Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 -- Month #6 - Week #30 - Day #205 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

Today I heard the Speckled Frog tune from some commercial as we were walking around, and I totally remembered the song! In English, of course, so I started singing along and all that, and Hna Rosas made the comment, "You sound like that when you talk in your sleep sometimes."  So that was an interesting factoid for the day. I didn't realize that I sing about 5 little speckled frogs sitting on a hollow log in my dreams. Whoops.

We also met a guy as we were walking along the side of the road to a cita that was confused as to why there was a "negrita y una blanquita, y las dos son misioneras," or a dark one and a light one and they're both missionaries, in reference to Hna Rosas and I. It's mind boggling, I know, but it is quite possible. We try not to blow people's minds too much on a regular basis. The me speaking Spanish part really helps that, as you might imagine.
Companions!  Hna Rosas and Hna Mower
Today I heard what Spanish with a French accent sounded like, it sounds a lot like English with a French accent. We went to a lunch appointment and the TV show "Bubble Guppies" was on, and the lobster character was in charge of a theatrical production and is of French origin, and since we all speak Spanish down here, naturally he spoke Spanish with a French accent. To be honest, I was fascinated by this strange combination as I ate my fish and clam soup (I think that's what it was. There were bits from a whole array of marine creatures in there). I will also admit that I'm not a huge fan of clams. I'll have to put them on the list with the chicken livers. Sorry clam-lovers.

But, highlight of the day: I figured out what Sunbeams are! Rayitos de Sol!!! Isn't that the neatest little name?  Literally means "little rays of sun". That made me incredibly happy today to have finally figured that one out.
We were visiting a house and I thought the sun coming through all the smoke from the comal made it look pretty neat. Hna Rosas thought it looked like the First Vision. You can also see some of the plenitude of roosters and hens we have in Honduras, and the log in the upper left corner houses bees for honey. Also lots of banana trees here.
In Primary, the Valiants are Valientes, in Young Womens the Beehives are Abejitas (little bees), Mia Maids are Damitas (little ladies) and the Laurels are Laureles (laurels). In Young Mens, we got the Diaconos (deacons), Maestros (teachers), and the Presbiteros (priests). So I'm filling in some of the gaps, that's why I was so excited with the Sunbeams discovery. 
I want to be a little ray of sunshine!
Little ray of sunshine!!
So we taught a few lessons, walked around a lot, and it rained again right as we got home. Good day.

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