Friday, September 11, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015 -- Month #6 - Week #29 - Day #201 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

Aaaaaaand we moved.  Honduras-style, of course, so that made everything more interesting.

In the morning we packed our suitcases and bags and everything and hauled that ourselves, about 3 blocks or so, uphill on a 40 degree incline, on all those blessed rocks to our (actual) house. We were very grateful that it's a relatively short journey, pulling everything and hauling backpacks and stuff, I actually felt like a pioneer for a few minutes and remembered the Trek I went on...although I think this time everything felt a lot heavier. Anyways, we got kinda tired from that.
Our new house!
(Duplex with Stake President's mother)

Sweet dreams for me!

We returned to the member's house and got everything else packed up and clean (for it to get dirty again when we move, of course, as that always happens) and had lunch. Did a few visits, because at around 6:00 pm the elderes and a member with a truck came by to help us move the mini fridge, beds, mattresses, and the bigger stuff from the second story of the member's house. So that was helpful. I need to mention though, at about 5:00 pm it began to have another storm (usually gets rainy and cloudy around 5:00 pm every day, but it's been storming quite regularly this week) and we got worried about that. The power also went out and stayed out until about 7:30 pm. So it was cloudy and rainy and dark and stormy, but the rain stopped just in time for us to move everything over to our house. So (in the dark, with flashlights) we put everything in the truck bed, and drove it over to our house, unloaded and did a second trip. Fun things about moving in the dark: you tend to get, in every literal sense, clothes-lined. You also have a much higher possibility of losing house keys, which happened. First with the clothes-lining: as we don't have dryers here, we have everything on clotheslines outside. But, somehow these lines had gone slack, and hung very low. With the lights being out, it's really hard to see. So, as we were moving stuff around and everything, both Elder Pocock and I ran into those blessed lines. I hit on my neck, and that made it hang lower, so it hit him around tummy level, as he's a little taller than me. So that was interesting. And then with the keys getting lost (we found them the next day when there was light, so it's all good) the member with the truck and his brother and both Elderes Pocock and Olivas all tried to shimmy open the lock with credit cards, driver's liscences, and all sorts of stuff, which was all quite funny, actually, so we were able to laugh in the midst of a somewhat stressful situation. Finally we had to break a little glass window slat to insert a mop handle and open the door like that, but the member with the truck owns and works in a glass shop, so he'll come and repair it, no problem.
Broken window
So we finally got everything into the house and unpacked and in the end it actually turned out well. So we're very grateful for all the help from the elderes and the 2 brothers, and that it didn't rain while we were moving stuff around, and that we could get into our house and sleep, and that we found the keys, and now everything's ok. Crazy adventures over here in Honduras, man.

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