Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015 -- Month #9 - Week #40 - Day #277 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

We did divisions with Wendy and Elizabeth, so we made up for some of our dats! So that was encouraging. We've made it a goal as a companionship to do divisions like this with the Laurels once a week to get some lessons with members, as it's kinda hard to get the majority of the members to come on visits with us due to work and kids and whatever else that happens in normal life.
We had lunch and did some more visits, then we all went to church to drop them off and we waited another hour for Legran to get to the church so we could have our Coordinacion Misional. Problem is, it started down-pouring as we were walking to the church, so we had to wait an hour until the rain lessened for Legran to come to the church.
The fabulous Friday of rain! 
So the elderes decided they wanted to go buy stuff at the pulperia (told you they eat all the time) and of course they don't carry umbrellas like a normal human, so they got completely soaked.

But we finally got everyone together in the same room, and had a very lively meeting with the 6 missionaries and our Lider Misional. There are some problems that need resolving, so we're still in process with that. We did plan some activities, so hopefully that helps things. We are definitely learning patience with this whole experience, and a whole lot of other Christ-like attributes. Good times!

After that we went over and visited Guadalupe, and went home. We still don't have water, so we're taking pila showers!  (Thanks Dad for the water bag shower dealios, they are very nice!)
I found a 5 inch slug outside....and took a picture :)
In addition to the locals saying "peekseena" for piscina, you will also hear "peeksah" for pizza. Honduran Spanish! My favorite is all the announcements you hear about stuff in "s-AAAHH-ntah CRUZ de joh-HOH-AH!!!" There is a marked cadence to the speech.

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