
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016 -- Month #18 - Week #79 - Day #549

2:20 pm (Honduran time)
Today I have 18 months. Wow.

Woke up and got dressed and ready, and then went out with the HLE's to look for another house (common theme these days) for Hna's Erickson and Escobar, and then we had to get back to have the elderes pick all my stuff up again and go to the airport.

And we got to the airport, and the craziness started. I hate traveling when I haven't done it in 18 months! Sooooo lost. And it's fun because I'm chilling with 5 elderes, so at least I got man power. Although they're about as lost as I am.

All the preliminary bag checking and whatnot wasn't fun because my bags were overweight so we had to move some stuff around and pay a fee... (sorry Dad!). But I got to keep all my stuff! That's sort of the important part. Gah! Stressed me out a lot.

And then we headed upstairs to get body scanned and backpacks rummaged through, and they took my tweezers and hair cutting scissors (I don't remember travel rules anymore... sigh) and were all confused as to why I was carrying my stuffed bear in my backpack (because she didn't fit in my suitcase) and why it had boots and a hat. And my Texas flag. And why I had scriptures. And also Tampons. Basically I just didn't make a lot of sense to the security people. Oh well.
Lyndsey crocheting my Texas Polar Bear
(a year ago...back in August 2015)

"Amethyst" -- My TX Bear with boots & hat!! 

So we managed to survive that, and got to wait for a while, and then this lady calls E Ascencio and I up to the desk to inform us that they're going to randomly search out suitcases. Whoo! So we got to put on security vests and go down to the tarmac to watch a guy go through our belongings and explain why we had those items. Yeah.

But we passed inspection, and went back up to start boarding. Where they once again checked my backpack. I think I'm very checked now! And we boarded the plane. And it's like some new model that's like a spaceship! I felt out of place, coming from Honduras. But I got the window seat! I was so happy! I love having the window to look out of in planes.

We also were given a turkey and cheese sandwich to eat (which was REALLY good! I've missed food like that) and the normal pretzels and peanuts and drink. I got water, I'm sort of avoiding all types of soda right now.

And my fellow passengers observed me writing and asked me what my little keyboard device was and how it worked and all that fun stuff. I always get those comments. But it really has been nifty to have my AlphaSmart, and it's much easier to write and edit how I want to record my days. Thanks, family!

So now I'm just chilling in my seat, with a seat belt (I haven't used a seat belt in 18 months...oops) and just writing up to this point in time. It's still really surreal that I'm headed home and that I'll be able to see and hold and talk to my family again in a matter of hours. I'm afraid to see how huge Samuel has gotten! But I feel older and wiser and have a better grip on life, even though I'm sort of nervous and unsure right now. But I'm gonna be alright!
8:00 pm (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Sooooo I just had the most miraculous run of my life! But I made it to my second plane, and now I'm flying to Texas, I just really hope my bags get there alright.

We got to Georgia, and had 30 min to get a gate open to taxi in, and then I was on the 30th row to get out, so that was stressful. Then we had to go through customs and deal with the government, but we got through fairly quickly, other people had to wait and we were already done and gone, and then we ran like hellions down to baggage claims because my flight was boarding in 15 mins at that time, and found my suitcases, and E Ascencio was nice and got them off the carousel thing, and the other handle broke off, so I have a suitcase with zero handles, just the rolly thing, but that's not good because the handle had all the tags and important transfer information...yeah. But then I wheeled myself over to do the whole customs check thing, again, and quickly handed off my suitcases to the nice bag guy, explaining that the handle broke off, and he was surprised, but said he would move the tags over...ay. And then I had to x-ray my backpack and self again, after basically cutting in line with another lady that was coming from Rome, so that was interesting, but I got through! Sorry people, sorry! And then booked it WAY over to where they say where the gates are, and then hopped on the train thing to take me to the gate, still putting on my necklace and earrings, and then ran some more over to my gate, found the nice desk people, scanned my ticket, and then got on the plane 10 mins before takeoff.
Yeah. I was praying real hard at that point that I could just please get on the plane. And that my bags got through, as well. But now I'm good! Waiting for the fasten seat belt sign to go off so I can go to the bathroom...cold and nerves aren't my favorite.

And it's weird because it's apparently 8:00 pm at night and there's a lot of sun. So it feels like maybe 5:00 pm or 6:00 pm? We're also above the clouds, so that's probably why there's still sunlight, but in Atlanta it was raining lightly when we were boarding.

(At home in San Antonio, Texas, USA)
Well, I have been picked up by my family and am home! It was so good to see them again. We went to the church to have President Foote release me from missionary service, and we had some dinner. Mom and I then stayed up all night talking. I'm so tired! But I'm glad being home.
It was sad to take off my tag and not be Hermana Mower anymore. But there's gonna be a whole lot more adventures I'll have in the future!

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