
Friday, March 18, 2016

Tuesday, March 08, 2016 -- Month #12 - Week #56 - Day #386 - El Dorado, La Entrada, Copan

Alright, today was a crazy day. I will sum it up by saying "2 duos and then it turned into 2 trios of hnas walking around in our area all day long and then sleeping in our house". Yeah.

We had our last Zone Meeting where all the people having changes and those finishing their missions shared their testimonies and our ZL's talked about how Alma 17, 18, 26 talk about the mission: cambios, working with the leaders. giving service, being obedient, all that fun stuff. It was actually really neat, it's fun when you can apply the scriptures in different ways. There have been thousands of years of missionaries and they all follow the same pattern. Just gotta do the right things and it will be fine.

Our District
Then we went to lunch and then things started getting crazy. Originally the Copan Ruinas hnas were gonna stay with us because they had a doctor's appointment in the morning and they get carsick, so they came early today and dropped their stuff off at our house and waited until we needed to leave for Zone Meeting. And the Dolores hnas had changes and needed to get up to SPS on the change bus. Then the Copan Ruinas hnas changed their minds and said that they would come up tomorrow and just be carsick. And then the Santa Cruz hnas needed to stay with us because they had an interview with Pres Dester and they also needed to get on the changes bus. But they had to go back to their area (about an 1.5 hour bus ride) and pack up and come back because they arranged the interview on the bus ride up to La Entrada. So we needed to go back to our house to let the Copan Ruinas hnas get their stuff and go home, and drop the stuff off of the Dolores hnas, and then haul everybody back to lunch and then back to the house to plan for this crazy day. It's like the logic puzzle about the boat crossing the stream with the goat, hay and lion, or whatever, and they can't all go together so you have to figure out how to get everyone across in 3 trips. But everything was figured out and we got ourselves ready to work in the afternoon, I went with Hna Lopez and Hna Cruz went with Hna Rodriguez, Did a few lessons and some contacting, then we had to regroup at the house again because the Santa Rosa hnas had come back with their stuff. So then we went in trios, me with Lopez and Rodriguez, and Cruz with Phillips and Jimenez. Continued lessons and whatnot, then grabbed some baleadas for dinner and crashed at the house.

Got everyone showered and teeth brushed and prayed and got to bed! We dragged in the other mattress from the spare room and we slept each companionship in a bed. Yup! Long day, super tired!

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