
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 -- Month #8 - Week #38 - Day #260 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

We went to District Meeting in Potrerillos and received half the stuff we asked for in the Ruta, which is a little bit annoying as it's been like that for at least the past 3 months, and you tend to ask for stuff that you actually do need. Elderes benditos.

Came back, had lunch, and went people-finding and contacting. Met a really, really, really Catholic lady, who basically didn't listen to a word we said, and a guy who got mad and offended and shut the door on us when I explained that we couldn't enter a house where there is only 1 man and no other people around (and it was already dark, as well), and popped in on a less-active family that is wanting to go to another church now. Oh, and it rained, too.
An awesome cloud and sunbeams
But, good, news, I'm reading in 1 Nephi 21, almost done with the First Book of Nephi! I started in mid-October, so I think I'm going at a decent pace of about 5-6 chapters a week. And I like writing some of the quotes from the manual on stickies at the foot of my scriptures. It's kinda fun because it's all in Spanish...and I understand it! I think I have a higher reading comprehension than that of listening, but it's funny because EVERYONE thinks I'm Hna Escobar when we're on the phone. So there's that, at least. I think perhaps only E Bate recognizes that it's me, but we always talk Spanglish, so it doesn't matter. I'm getting really good Spanglish now, so that every other word is Spanish-English-Spanish-English...kinda fun! Usually the Church terminology stays Spanish in your head.

Other than all that, not much happened. Although Hna Smith was going off in District Meeting about how she was in SPS, the most dangerous city in the world, and nothing happened to her, so she wants to have something happen. Although, she fought us (Hna Robles and I and everyone else) tooth and nail to not have to come in for the 4 rabies vaccines after a dog bit her, so I'm actually a little afraid for her lack of want of medical attention if anything more major happened. We're currently fasting and praying for better health in the mission, and wanting MORE stuff to happen is basically the opposite of the whole exercise. Ha saber.

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