
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 -- Month #8 - Week #36 - Day #246 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

This morning we went and bought and hauled our 5 gallon jug of water to our house. I sometimes pretend it's a big, awkward child that doesn't want to move but has to be carried all the way uphill and into the house. My arms are tired.

Today we Hna Escobar and I gave the capacitacion during Reunion de Distrito. We've ALL been having somewhat of a rough time right now, for one thing or another, whether it be impatience, poor health, waiting girlfriend troubles, almost finishing the mission, can't sleep at night, having difficulty with Spanish, some tension between companions (Hna Escobar and I are totally fine on this one, don't worry!), misconceptions some ward members have of the missionaries...all sorts of stuff is happening over here.

So we decided to have a message mostly about our well-being as a whole and kinda help ourselves get back on track and re-centered in our calling to be full-time missionaries. We each shared our testimonies in turn, and each spoke about some things that were special for them, and we all felt better and more at peace afterward. And to help us laugh and be happy, we played with La Lechuga Preguntona from last night's FHE, and gave out some candies. So in all it was a good time, so we were happy about that.

And in the ruta I received a letter and I GOT MY PACKAGE!!! Thank you family!
Box from home!

My flat iron!  Guess mom didn't like me taking a regular iron to my head?!!
We also got a box of copies of the Book of Mormon, 3 packages of folletos about the Restoration, and some first aid kit items. So we were heavily laden as we traveled on the bus and hiked all the way to our house. (From the bus stop to our house it's about a 10-15 min walk on a 40-degree grade, which isn't too bad, but with all those blasted rocks and our boxes and backpacks and everything, it was a little more tricky than usual, and I was already tired from hauling water and not eating a filling breakfast). We were very hungry and thirsty and tired when we got home, to say the least. But we got everything up to our house (even our "yard" is hiking uphill in calf-high grass), collapsed on the floor, turned the fan on high, and started going through my package and snacking on gummy worms and freeze dried ice cream and Goldfish.
It's the little things that bring you back home...just for a second!
So we were a lot happier then. Got everything put away, and made ourselves some lunch and settled our heart rates.

We then took off to go clean the church as some service, and I got to clean the baptism font! Whoohoo! So that was probably my favorite part. Got to take off my sandals and hike up my skirt (to my knees, thank you) and slide around in the bubbles! Hna Escobar hadn't cleaned a baptism font before, so she watched in awe and laughed as I enjoyed myself swishing around. Service with a smile, right?

It also rained today, but that's becoming quite normal, and honestly not my favorite thing in the world, but it happens. Just to let ya'll know.

And we practiced again with the choir...problem is that this is the Semana de la Familia, and everyone wants to do a musical number all of a sudden, so that doesn't work out very well for accompaniment. But, we'll get along eventually. Growing pains.

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