
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015 -- Month #6 - Week #27 - Day #188 - Santa Cruz de Yojoa

Today was Sunday! None of our investigators came to church, and our dinner appointment got canceled. But, we did manage to teach some lessons, so that was good. Sundays are interesting because they are totally awesome and totally hard at the same time. Church is great, and then it just gets 10 times harder from there. But, tomorrow is Pday and we're not doing anything activity-wise, so we get to catch up on all our laundry and cleaning and shopping and stuff, as we didn't get the chance to do that last Pday, whoops. 

And during church E Pocock had to pass the Sacrament to the middle rows by himself, not quite sure how that ended up happening, but he did a good job and kept calm. I imagine it's a little stressful to remember all the routes of passing, so kudos to the young men of everywhere.
Anyways, we got to visit with Guadalupe, and her little baby boy of 1 year, Wilmer, is walking! He started yesterday and enjoys walking all over the place now, he's so cute! I think he's a fine-looking little kiddo, gonna be handsome when he grows up.

And there's these tiny little songbirds, black and grey and I think a little bit of yellow, they're a little bit bigger than my thumb, but there's this one that almost every morning comes and sings in our window, and even though these guys are itsy bitsy, they sing so loud! I'll have to get a video one of these days and identify them when I get home. Neat little birds.

Not much else happened that's noteworthy, it rained again tonight and we had our dinner outside after planning and everything. I made myself a potato and a cup of avena, very happy with myself. I boiled my potato earlier this afternoon during lunch, and then let it cool in the fridge while we were out and about, and then fried it up a little with some oil and salt, and ate it and was happy. I like potatoes, they're yummy.

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