
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015 -- Week #13 - Day #89 - San Pedro Sula

9:32 pm
Today we actually had a lot of lessons! Whoohoo! Hna Robles has been praying to have new people to teach, and today we met 2 couples that are recently married and just moved to the area since about 4 months ago and the other since 2 weeks ago. Blessings! So that's pretty neat. And besides that we taught most of our lessons about keeping the Sabbath Day holy (tomorrow's Sunday!) and some more how to pray, and read the introduction of the Book of Mormon and 1 Nephi 1. Fun lesson day.
And some more Liahona messages I liked:
December 2014
Lessons from the Sacred Grove - Elder Marlin K. Jensen
The Reality of Christmas - Bishop Gary E. Stevenson
Where Am I? - E Mervyn B. Arnold
How to Prepare for the Second Coming - Elder Dallin H. Oaks
January 2014
Inside cover quote: "Some of you may feel that you can't rise above the polluted pond, that your circumstances are too difficult, your trials too hard, your temptations too great... Remember the stalk of the water lily grows in adversity, and as the stalk lifts the water lily, your faith will support and lift you." - Mary N. Cook
The Best Time to Plant a Tree - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Divine Godhead - President Gordon B. Hinckley
Enduring Well - Elder J. Christopher Lansing
Lovely Landscape!
Good day, lots of walking around, and it was hot, but then we got some clouds later in the day, so that really nice. And ate a lot of rice today, my stomach feels like a clump in my thorax. It's funny, we go a little bit having to make our own food, and then we get a few days where we get fed 3 or 4 times in the day. Same thing with the taxis...whenever you don't want them they're all trying to get you, and when you actually need one there's none to be found!

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